IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business
> Reference Data Model > Introduction
There are different types of data model representations (hierarchical, relational, network data model types). The IMO Reference Model is a hierarchical data model which organizes data in a tree-like structure and supports one-to-many relationships between entities. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) language is used to visually represent the entity relationships. 
UML class diagram
The UML class diagram shows the structure and relationships between the data elements and classes
.1    Individual attributes (data elements) always have the optional cardinality 0 to 1 (0…1);
.2    In the UML class diagram, the class names are shown in red, and their attribute (data element) names are shown in green.  The relationship between classes can be 0 to 1 (0…1) or 0 to many (0…*).
Data structure
The data structure report shows the summary report of the reference model structure.
Documenting changes
Changes to the IMO Compendium are documented per individual change, e.g. [+] add new data element; [*] update an existing data element; [-] remove data element from a data set;  [x] remove data element from the Compendium, which are referenced by an EGDH meeting number. Changes are documented under the section "Overview of Changes" in the HTML publication and under the sheet "Changes" in the MS Excel publication of the IMO Compendium. Additionally, the history of all other publications is tracked under the section "History" in the HTML publication.
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