IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business
> Purpose and use
1    The IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business (Compendium) consists of the IMO Data Set and the IMO Reference Model.
.1    the IMO Data Set identifies and defines the data elements and individual data sets supporting maritime regulatory or business processes relevant to international shipping;

.2    the IMO Reference Model serves as a guide for developing the ICT systems; and

.3    the IMO Reference Model defines the relationships between the data elements in the data sets and has to be understood by the implementors of the business logic related to the regulatory or business process requirements.
2     The Compendium facilitates the harmonization of maritime single windows (MSWs), Port Community Systems (PCS) and maritime stakeholders’ data exchanges in support of the interoperability between the ICT systems from different stakeholders and enabling them to share or exchange data efficiently.
.1    it supports harmonization among the international standards commonly used in maritime transport, namely the World Customs Organization (WCO), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which play a key role in developing and maintaining the Compendium and providing implementation of data sets within their scope.

.2    it ensures interoperability among the implementation standards that use the IMO Compendium as a reference. Next to these organizations mentioned above, other organizations are also encouraged to harmonize their technical specifications with the IMO Reference Model.

.3    the Compendium can be used to support system design and data exchange between organizations. It is not intended for direct implementation as a data model as it does not provide specific implementation details such as message implementation guidelines. Data models are optimized and best implemented through "technical standards for data" developed by international standards organizations.

.4    it serves as a reference when developing ICT systems and applications within the maritime domain, ensuring that all parties involved have a common understanding of the IMO data elements and how they are related to each other.
3    The Compendium does not impose any information requirement to any stakeholder through the composition of the data sets. It is a facilitation tool supporting harmonization of data definitions, formats and structures. Whether an IMO data element is mandatory in a particular context is established by the IMO instruments or by other relevant regulations.
4    The Compendium includes a number of the declarations referred to in the Annex to FAL Convention (ed. 2024) and that are within the scope of a Maritime Single Window:
-    General Declaration (FAL 1);
-    Cargo Declaration (FAL 2);
-    Ship's Stores Declaration (FAL 3);
-    Crew's Effects Declaration (FAL 4);
-    Crew List (FAL 5);
-    Passenger List (FAL 6);
-    Dangerous Goods Manifest (FAL 7);
-    Maritime Declaration of Health; International Health Regulations (IHR);
-    Security-related information as required under SOLAS regulation XI-2/9.2.2 (MSC.1/Circ.1305 appendix); and
-    Advance Notification for Waste Delivery to Port Reception Facilities (MEPC.1/Circ.834/Rev.1, appendix 2, Standard format of the Advance Notification Form for waste delivery to port reception facilities).
5    The Compendium also includes the following data sets supporting data exchange between different stakeholders in the maritime industry:
-    Form of stowaway details referred to in Recommended Practice 4.6.2 and appendix 3 of the FAL Convention;
-    Ship registry and company details;
-    Ship and company certificates;
-    Ship and company inspections;
-    Port State control inspection history data;
-    Ship reporting systems (Resolution A.851(20));
-    Verified Gross Mass (Guidelines regarding the verified gross mass of a container carrying cargo - MSC.1/Circ.1475);
-    Ballast water report (Guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting - BWM.2/Circ.80);
-    Waste delivery receipt (Consolidated guidance for port reception facility providers and users - MEPC.1/Circ.834/Rev.1, appendix 3);
-    Advance Passenger Information (API);
-    Maritime services;
-    Just In Time arrival concept; (FAL.5/circ. 52)
-    Noon Data Report
6    The Compendium will be expanded with a sequence diagram and process guidance for each data set or sub-model to support a common understanding of the data and/or processes being modelled.
7    Additional IMO relevant data and/or processes may be added to the IMO Compendium and integrated into the existing structure when approved by the IMO Facilitation Committee. 
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